Sunday, May 10, 2009

Review: Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

Title: Warbreaker
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Copyright: 2009
Publisher: Tor Books
ISBN: 0765320304

Notes: A SciFi essential book


Who Says Epic Standalone Fantasy Doesn't Exist?
- 5 stars - a book review

WARBREAKER, by Brandon Sanderson, is a story about unseen and unknown forces at work. The novel follows a host of unique and interesting characters: the unnoticed princess sent (unprepared) to marry the God King of a rival kingdom; the sister who was supposed to marry the God King instead, an unsatisfied God of a kingdom, rebel faction leaders, a mysterious and powerful fighter, and the God King himself. Alternating between these main viewpoints (and a host of smaller characters), Sanderson has crafted a truly epic in scope standalone fantasy novel.

The overall plot of WARBREAKER is quite simple; but the tale is told in a complex and dramatic way. Two kingdoms fear that war is inevitable. The main characters and the political factions of these kingdoms are in engaged in a constant struggle to either shift the balance either in favor of war or against it. What makes WARBREAKER epic in a fantasy context is the method in which the environment, history, and characters are developed. In one single book, Sanderson has managed to successfully build a believable world and magic system using alternative methods to those typically employed in fantasy books. The world of WARBREAKER is a world of Biochromatic Breath, where people use this magic to bring objects to life and use fundamentally simplistic magic. The kingdom histories of Idris and Hallandren is revealed through the politics of the realm, while the councils of Gods and Goddesses meet to influence the course of a kingdom.

WARBREAKER was a wonderful experience and is filled with detailed and colorful descriptions that truly make the world come to life. Sanderson has accomplished in one book what some fantasy authors struggle to do in ten books: build a world that is believable and create a conclusive fantasy experience. This book should not be missed for any fantasy lover.

Good reading,

Plants and Books

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